

harmonical Whale Song

contrebasse and time lag accumulator

This is easily my favorite piece I have composed/performed. I quite enjoy the sound of harmonics, especially on the contrebasse. Having played the electric bass for many years I was enamored with producing feedback, but never was able to truly control it. Then I finally ventured into the realm of bowed strings and I quickly realized that a bow on a string, especially with harmonics, is a highly manipulatable kind of feedback resonance. It is a beautiful thing to me. Coupled with the time lag accumulator setup on the hacked karaoke toy, a "Cony" brand tape deck with a PT2399 echo chip, and I am in a state of bliss.

It's fortunate that I bothered to record it at all, to my mind. Even with the compression artefacts I think this piece came out better than it had any right to. I post it now because I cna no longer play it, my contrebasse is now strung up with strings that are tuned to fifths, and the Cony has departed this realm. So, here lies the last remnant of my whale song. I hope others will enjoy.