

live stream

I made a live streaming interface for the site. If you allowed the site to use your camera you will see yourself above, through its eye. If you don't allow it, which is fine, you can see a couple images from it below.

The intention here is to give myself a place to perform without needing to rely on too many outside sources **cough cough social media cough** One of the reasons I started this space was to get off the train that is todays computing landscape. I'm trying to take back control of my computing life, to understand this tool better. It was really fun to put this together, and I've learned alot about how the internet works, but rest assured I did not build this from scratch, or by myself.

I use Processing for most of my art generation now, and its offshoot P5.js is what populates many pages on this site. Through these technologies I came across a nice little realtime web infrastructure called p5livemedia. This is what allows me to broadcast in a manner that I decide. Which as you can see is highly ASCIIterized and colorful. In this way I have full control over the visuals and I don't need to use any software to achieve them, I write all of the visual code myself, and all of these tools are open source, which is a beautiful thing.

From here on out, whenever I am in the mood to stream, the home page will bounce you to the streaming page. For all the times when I am not streaming, you can still visit the page and be treated to a random audio recording of an incident. Though the visuals will not be preserved. Here is the page, if you were curious --> ululo LIVE <